The Power of Spring!

The butterflies' fluttering away! The emerald greens have been stretched on grounds and new buds are showing us their blushed tints. 
Happy Spring to one and all :)

This is one poem I recited in my class when I was 11, though I did not understand its deep metaphors then, but now its another time! Enjoy it reading.

Spring is like a perhaps hand
(which comes carefully
out of Nowhere) arranging
a window, into which people look (while
people stare
arranging and changing placing
carefully there a strange
thing and a known thing here) and

changing everything carefully

spring is like a perhaps
Hand in a window
(carefully to
and from moving New and
Old things,while
people stare carefully
moving a perhaps
fraction of flower here placing
an inch of air there) and

without breaking anything.

~ Spring is like a perhaps hand by E. E. Cummings~


  1. I do hope you have a pleasant spring! I had not seen that poem before, it is a good one!


  2. Happy springs Naqvee, I love spring and my first to read this poem and I like it.

    Glad to see you back here in blogosphere :)

  3. Good to see spring, though only through blogosphere.


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