Too eager to know...

"What lies ahead?"

I have started enjoying the worst days of my life as I cant do anything more than that specially when I'm becoming the victim of circumstances again and again. When i'm being targeted to "take the test of Patience.."

A few days before things started changing in a better direction and i can say it was all fine and with a fresh start I thought that I will give my final Law exams and will bid adieu to my dear Faculty of law and my beautiful University. as this is the Final X semester of my 5 year law graduation and at last i can be a graduate!It was a time for which I eagerly waited to know that what will happen after this?

A normal 22 year old (gurl) will definitely relate such period with the feeling of butterflies in stomach... isn't it?

Yesterday  it was the terrible  day of my life (10th May)
I got to know early morning that due to shortage of attendance i have been Detained and I will NOT BE allowed to take my final exams. GOD... my heart was in  my mouth and hot and cold flushes ran through me all when i heard this on my fone.. ~

I knew about my attendance... that it was.... a bit.... on the puny side............. but I DIDN'T know that it became so grave that 48 students from the whole Law Faculty were being stopped from giving examinations and that too when we have our final semester.. our batch  suffered the most.. we were 11 students and a whole year will go waste if we don't get to sit for the exam... being detained means that now we will have to give our exams next tear with out juniors and we will become ex-students as we will also not attend classes.

eeew... actually horrendous. i sped up and went to faculty as  i had to take an exam today and my books and everything I forgot to carry them with me..i was in such a hurry that i couldn't feel anything... whether i was carrying my college bag or not..?

time was running against me.. actually yes... most of the things were Against me...


there when we met with the teachers, they had no clue what to do. Each "even" semester of every year  like 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th semester was facing same problem. The attendance required was minimum 66% ... i had 65%.. can u IMAGINE ? it was not that low.. that a should be detained !

Every student was terrified because attendance has never been made such a big issue....... then why now? why are the students being detained .. just for this? when we have our exams tomorrow on  11th may then how come we can stay in faculty and do nothing except hear people talk that "nothing will happen... we will have to come next year" this meant that the whole 5 years went into a big drain as we will be the ex students which is like the !@#$%^  time of the year... and we have to hear this. and that NOW when we are an inch close to our  achievement ... was this some joke or we were destined for this???

I was not alone while suffering this trial and tribulation... in total 47 or 48 students were pleading to Dean of F.O.L ... and she kept saying that "is not in their hands"

Time was flying by quickly  ... it was already 2 pm and a long Letter of Sincere Apology was written after a lotta discussion and signed by all the students.. who were on this end of the unnatural calamity which broke on our heads and untimely gave us pressure and stress.. which we were already suffering due to vast syllabus of examinations.

All the drama queens and kings gathered up.. showcased their talents but nothing worked..


This letter too, couldnt help us.. hence Some of the students went on crying and begging to the Dean (me too minus crying) to give us another chance ... just one... only one.

and yes... with due regard to the legality involved .. out of 47 only 5 could get clear on this issue... I was (luckily) one of them... was my bad time over?


hmmm.. I returned home at 7 pm wasting my entire day and studying Nothing for the exam on the next day i.e today.
my 1st exam was on "Law relating to Insurance Busines, Banking and Negotiable Instruments"

I had a headache, an irritation and a sense of insecurity in relation to the future events that were going to happen in my life...

When my present is this bad then what can actually cheer me in the future?
this is what i thought!

Anyhow i managed to study ... and read it all... whatever it was.. just had the can full of worms last night... i reckon.. ..i had to had that .... struggle with the time. i was strangled by the time.....


I didnt sleep at night....I  kept reading again and again.. and then when i felt dizzy i stopped took rest and again got cracking,

Puffy eyes, sore throat and my dear thyroid level helped me to feel extremely tired ... eeewww....

Finished my syllabus at 7 am exact, had my brkfast and literally ran to my university. I had to collect my Admit card ... thats what these office people were not giving us yesterday!

did they give it that easily.... NOOO.. my exam started at 9.30 am sharp and we were standing in the office waiting for our admit cards to be handed to us! only 5 in my batch got, rest 6 got detained...

hoarse cries and shrieks were echoeing ... but i hurried my way up to the clasroom where i had to take the exam. sat.. breathed.. relaxed.. and took the exam.

funny, isn't it.

once you are there... shouting for everyohe's rights and when u get yourself cleared..,you hurry up and vanish to catch the train called life!


It was catastrophic..  
just got an sms..

"thankfully all who were detained are through with attendance, their exam (if missed) will be postponed for the future date i.e. 4th of june."


Alls well that ends Wells~ they say

An unforgettable experience.



  1. Blessings on your new journey!

  2. Naqvee, I could not peel my eyes from your story. For a hard worked dream to come crashing down and nearly burn is...well WRONG. Life sometimes (And I mean the world) can be so cruel and unforgiving. Evil abounds in decisions to that wreck people's lives.

    Be it known, I am SO proud of you! You are a woman to look up to. I don't even begin to know how God can take care of things when people get in the way of his plan, but he does. He is right there breathing on your soul and lifting you up to stand.

    What a fantastic story!!!

  3. Hi Naqvee. Indeed! That was quite an unforgetable experience for you. Yes, all is well that ends well. Good to know that you were not detained. Good luck to you dear. All the blessings and happiness in life. Obstacles and problems will be always there but with Lord Almighty's help I know you will be okay. God bless.

  4. Hi Teresa: thankssssssssss for those kind words and concern.. yes it was wrong indeed but God helped me.. your blessings played a very huge role !

    Hey Misalyn: thank you Mis... i need more Good lux like that ☺ ☻ ♥

  5. What a difficult trial you have been through! All that hard work seemingly for nothing, but in the end all worked out. It seemed for awhile as if everything was working against you. I am so glad that in the end, all was well. But I am amazed that you were able to stay awake so long studying! You are such a strong woman and I wish the best for you!

  6. Yes Randi, it was the worst...

  7. It sounds like you've been having a troublesome time lately but don't fear! Nothing stays the same, good or bad. Heed the saying 'To be happy, don't just wait til the storm has ended: learn to dance in the rain.'
    Blessings, Star

  8. Thank you for your comment! And you don't need to thank me for coming and commenting on your blog I love to do it!! Sorry I just commented I was away on a trip. hehe

    I bet you must have felt really frightened!!But I am glad it all worked out in the end. Big hugs to you Naqvee and keep us in touch with all the things you are up to!

  9. It's good to see you trust and lean on the Lord.
    I’ve enjoyed looking over your blog. I came across it through another blog I follow, and I’m glad I did. I am now a follower of yours as well. Feel free to look over my blog and perhaps become one as well.

  10. You must have been very much PISSED off lately i can see that! Attendance issue could have been covered up by your teachers only who took attendance.. the teachers at times !@#$%^ your time and energy! how was the exam? couldn't have been that good will pray for you AWESOME GRADES we know you wanna achieve high.. update us on your Fiance !



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