Fall on a heap and Catch a leaf Tonight is the last summer season's night this year, Tomorrow is Autumnal Equinox my dear! The longer, warmer days are now gone, but by the end of every day, nights will stretch for a lil long! The chilly mornings will begin our day, but children will play among pumpkins and hay! Some cozy homes will smell like pumpkin spice, but to me the outdoor bonfire excites! Near the creek where trees begin showing their branches the handsome turkey males will show us their dances! When years of grapes from September, October and November combine, that's when the Vineyards showcase their wines! To end my thoughts I would like to share, I have recalculated my calendar, if you care, I'm surprised that with new colors and smells that Autumn flairs why September is not a Happy new year? (Naqvee)
A ditch called "Me"
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Ever wondered what makes you? What's your summary? Your own failures, your own success, your own glory, your own downfall and everything else that makes you the whole of you, the sum of you? You will not, only be the bright spots but also the unbright spots, the dark blotches that are in you on yourself and you can't have them removed until you are re-born again? Maybe that's what makes you whole for now. But there is something else that makes you, your acknowledgment to a ditch you are in since the time you have become responsible for your own actions. Yes, that ditch is called 'Me'. Once you learn the art to crawl out of it. Maybe, that day you will find the actual sum of who you are! Meanwhile, try to give yourself a 2 minutes break/time-out every now and then. Try to re-focus your agendas and re-navigate your paths. Keep yourself aligned to the demands of your life. Keep living, but don't forget you are still in a ditch and keep trying to crawl out of it, ...
Have our ears become our eyes?
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Our eyes are our windows to (our) souls. Whatever we see for about 99.99% convinces our mind. Our whole self and character is based on how we "see" that something. And then we adapt ourselves to it. In human relations, after reading a lot of "literature" on how we behave and why we behave? I have come to this understanding that "Look" is the new "listen". And the skill to "listen" has actually been lost! Many a times we don't want to understand something that is being said, but how we "see" it literally. Reason being, how we carry our attitude is reflective of our self and how we perceive things around us. Similarly, the same goes for that other person. For instance, a person says he is sick, or not doing well, suffered some financial losses or maybe undergoing some medical procedures! What he said doesn't matter because when we feel sad after hearing his plight and meet him, we actually look at him, his hints and cu...
The Passing Away of my papa!
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The Light and The Rainbow Bridge Many of my pets like kittens, adult cats and puppies have died and were buried by my papa in our nearest grave yard! Sometimes papa will bring an ailing bird which either got hurt due to some misfortune or became a road kill and put its body with each feather intact in a shoe box and bury it. He would give them a proper funeral and never leave them to rot or decompose in a trash. He was extremely kind with those who passed away specially the mute birds and animals. *** Papa after coming off from ventilator on 19th April, 2020 were declared to have Bulbar Palsy and left lung failure. He was loosing his ability to breathe. He was suggested Tracheostomy because his Bulbar Palsy (throat paralysis in simple words) was causing issues with expelling CO2 from his lungs. So it became mandatory to put him on life support (Mechanical Ventilation) for his remaining time. Since papa didn't have a voice and became mute before his tracheostomy was done, he ...
Isolated but introspective
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To the infinity and beyond, When Earth revolved in its season gradually, dancing and prancing on its daily rhythms, a weird virus brought the world on a stand still. Words like Lockdown, shutdown, social distancing, 6 feet apart, sanitizers and hand washing became fresh vocabulary in our day to day life. Never could have imagined that a new word will be added to my personal vocabulary and that would critical care, ventilator and intensive care of my ailing father from acute bronchitis and pneumonia. Few more words became added as each day progressed without any progress in his condition like hallucinations and psychotic pain and severe anxieties. Yes, all of these words apart from coronavirus are being hummed by me regularly because my papa, who is 73, is right now admitted in intensive care in a local hospital in New Delhi, India, where the whole country is on an extended shut down due to severe coronavirus cases! In a time when exposing oneself to virus can turn fa...
Childhood Memory: Pizza
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Sometimes, a pizza joint near your house is a life saver in situations when you don't wanna cook anything et al. Or when you are low in energy over all, but there is some energy left just to chew and chomp. So pizza is nothing new even when you are on vacations, it becomes a "REAL" meal and a really hearty one :D I miss surviving on vegetarian pizza eating days while on vacation in Vegas. And, it was the first time I ever ate spinach in my pizza in 2015. I am big spinach fan but NO, that pizza was absolutely one of the worst tasting things in Vegas :) Sorry spinach-on-pizza-lovers. So eating a pizza tonight takes me back to two childhood and a decade old memory about my first ever pizza tasting. In India, pizza (not in the original form) entered few popular joints in the 1980's and in New Delhi we came to know the word like a snack of a dried wheat bread with ketchup topped with diced tomatoes, onions and some shredded green peppers. The size was like 6 inches...
The woman called ->Hello
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Hello, How strange is the word 'hello'? It can be a cheerful greeting or can be a question as Hello? But whatever it is, my experience starts from a Hello, a gentle and kind hello. This fellow lady standing in a plant shop gathers my attention. She was carrying so many flowers, flower pots and pot soil that I wondered where will she arrange all of them?? I kept looking for some flowers and seeds for our flower bed, but whenever I picked up a seed or plant pot and kept it back, I noticed that lady picked it up after me as if to buy it. But, she will put it back after frowning upon it. This kept happening for another 10-15 minutes and I felt as if she was tailing on my choice but maybe I was finding some fault in them so that's why I was not buying them. She too, I felt, tried to look up and find some sort of trouble and put them back right away! I got amused and as soon as she looked up at me, we exchanged "Hello". But what got me, was that ...
Intellectually Yours
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Maintaining “friends forever” by sharing insightful experiences Friend, such a kind word in our vocabulary, that we often use but, never mean it. Only if we stopped taking this word for granted, we will in reality have many powerful friendships that will last eternally. The only thing we are missing right now is to how to gain such powerful friendship of such magical sort? After wondering and stumbling through my own experiences with friends, I realized that one never meets a friend by Luck, though you may meet your love by luck! So how we actually meet one person that day who turns into a good friend in few days is simply a matter of circumstances. Our circumstances force us to become friends from mere acquaintances. Some times we seek (deliberately) a person to become a friend like at school, gym or work. Reason being, it becomes boring if we don’t have someone to share our “life...
Spring is here, cheer up!
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I feel happy, hungry, energetic and out of the bed! This is the power of spring. So finally the winters (never my favorite month) are way behind us and this gives me a mood to ponder. Whenever Spring comes, I get into this thinking-mode. What did I do last Spring, places I was at and people I was with? I just imagine how things will turn out this time? Curious! It's just one positive power shot I wish to give every spring. How Optimistic am I? That's the power of Spring! Happy Power-ups to all of you!
Amid the Sea of People
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In December, 2014 I was a first timer at the Airports of the world and that too, a loner :) My first ever flight that was a long haul from New Delhi(India) via Heathrow(UK) to San Francisco(US) ended up being a 22 hour journey! The lesser amount of time and additional 5 hours of layover at Heathrow while returning (FYI). Well, throughout my stay at the airports and observing eyes and Curious-George attitude I collected enough time to think and view that enormous sea of People which was present there ALWAYS waving, chattering, humming, raising eyebrows, mailing, yawning and smiling! I could see every different yet similar face present on the Earth at that particular airport of Heathrow. The only thing I could feel was how God made everyone and then their DNA replicas and then theirs? There was not a single moment when I never wondered why humans were so good at travelling? Was it because of our hunter-gatherer yet moving past as cavemen? Or its just another tendency of human ...
To Get Lost & found again
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In 1998 when I just got in 6th grade and my sister in 11th grade (at 15 she skipped 1 class because she was awesome), our father thought to get us enrolled in a new and better school. Leaving behind all my favorite teachers and single good friend was not only painful journey but a cry of a child who never wanted to detach from his/her safe harbor. The formalities to get admission in a new school were not such a headache then and my parents always thought that it was as easy as 1-2-3 to make new friends and become a teacher's pet if you are good in their eyes. Since my sister gave them the impression of being confident, capable, responsible and intelligent and I was just 10% of the whole matter I knew I will do just average. My first day in that enormous new school happened to be a week before the beginning of 2 long months (May and June) summer vacation. The 4 days passed equally okay nevertheless, monotonous. However, P.E. was the best. The 5th Day being ...
A wedding to remember!
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When we think about weddings------> lacy gowns, Veils, tuxedos and happy gatherings come into mind! But when I think about weddings, each is a unique experience to remember. Here I share some of mine! I wonder about such events in life that happen and we become a part of it. We were/are a part of it as it was/is meant to be us to give that event that special touch or take away all the glitter from it!!! And then you say, OH yeah I was there.. Or You say.. I was not there and I still don't regret it! Many a times I think about my one of the best friend's valentine themed (14th February) wedding where she kept calling me and I could not attend the celebration! I still don't remember why, was I busy? However, within a year I witnessed her marriage falling apart. She went through a terrible divorce and I happened to be with her at the time of her nervous breakdown. The saddest time of her life's history. One sad event ever to witness! However, I still chuck...
The Power of Spring!
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The butterflies' fluttering away! The emerald greens have been stretched on grounds and new buds are showing us their blushed tints. Happy Spring to one and all :) This is one poem I recited in my class when I was 11, though I did not understand its deep metaphors then, but now its another time! Enjoy it reading. Spring is like a perhaps hand (which comes carefully out of Nowhere) arranging a window, into which people look (while people stare arranging and changing placing carefully there a strange thing and a known thing here) and changing everything carefully spring is like a perhaps Hand in a window (carefully to and from moving New and Old things,while people stare carefully moving a perhaps fraction of flower here placing an inch of air there) and without breaking anything. ~ Spring is like a perhaps hand by E. E. Cummings~
Leaving Friends!
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Many of my friends have vanished from my life without even bidding me a decent goodbye To some I was bold and let them go But some disappeared to a place I didn't know Some got married and settled beyond my reach They severed from me, when I wasn't ready for the breach Many of my friends walked out from my heart Without checking back, was I cold and hard? On a day too yellow and blue of a sky Do they too remember me in a sober silent cry? The hole dug in my heart is fresh and deep, The memories of fun may ravish my sleep Their laughter is a promise that I may keep But their return won't help my bleeding weep! I needed them most when I was broken I waited for their words which were unspoken Yes, most are gone and some more are going Without giving a hope that they were always showing They come, they stay and then they leave They give me a reason too solid to believe If love is a pain and friendship relief When friends leave, why am I left in grie...
The time when Every ONE is busy!
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After a long time of erratic schedules of work made me ponder upon a question so frequently searched on Google, How to Manage Time because I think that it's not only me, but for me too Everyone is busy! Yesterday I kept talking to my mother about good olden days when everyone was so free that even my relatives would stay at our house for months altogether! How my neighbourhood children were my best friends and we would play daily for 4 hours straight every day after school, then do our homeworks, eat dinner and go to bed without any tantrum just to wake up and go to school the next day as school too, seemed fun! Growing up is the best thing that happens because it gives you problems and you challenge your brain to find solutions. Now as I have grown up, I find how everyone and not only me has become so entangled in our lives that we give only a couple of minutes to each other. Neither I know what they went through and how they dealt with that nor they know about me. It's j...